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2023-06-19 编辑:c20tbj001


Choosing a name for your child is an important task and can often be overwhelming. As an experienced name expert, I have compiled a list of 20 beautiful and unique English names with in-depth meanings that draw inspiration from the elements of Chinese astrology, philosophy, and literature.

1. Aurora - This elegant name is derived from the Latin word for dawn and symbolizes new beginnings, hope and renewal. It is perfect for a baby born in the early morning hours.

2. Atlas - Taken from Greek mythology, Atlas is the titan who holds the heavens on his shoulders. This name represents strength, endurance, and the power to overcome obstacles.

3. Calista - meaning most beautiful in Greek, Calista is a name associated with beauty and grace. It is also the name of a star, symbolizing light and brilliance.

4. Dante - Inspired by the famous Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, this name means steadfast and enduring. It signifies perseverance and resilience.

5. Eden - This name is associated with the biblical garden of Eden, symbolizing a place of paradise, innocence, and purity.

6. Faith - A simple yet powerful name, Faith represents trust and confidence in God, oneself, and others.

7. Gabriel - meaning God is my strength in Hebrew, Gabriel is the name of an archangel who delivered important messages in the Bible. It signifies bravery, guidance, and protection.

8. Harmony - This name embodies peace, balance, and unity. It is perfect for a child who brings harmony into their family and surroundings.

9. Iris - Taken from Greek mythology, Iris is the goddess of the rainbow, symbolizing beauty, creativity, and diversity.

10. Jasper - A unique and handsome name, Jasper is a semiprecious gemstone believed to provide protection and healing energy.

11. Juno - Inspired by the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth, Juno is associated with love, nurturing, and fertility.

12. Leo - meaning lion in Latin, Leo is a name of strength, courage, and leadership. It is perfect for a child born under the zodiac sign of Leo.

13. Luna - meaning moon in Spanish and Italian, Luna symbolizes mystery, femininity, and intuition.

14. Orion - This name is taken from the constellation Orion, which represents a hunter and warrior. It signifies bravery, determination, and strength.

15. Phoenix - Inspired by the mythical bird that rises from the ashes, Phoenix represents resilience, transformation, and rebirth.

16. Serenity - A name associated with calmness, inner peace, and tranquility, Serenity is perfect for a child who brings harmony into their family and surroundings.

17. Stella - meaning star in Latin, Stella symbolizes beauty, brightness, and excellence. It is a name of aspiration and inspiration.

18. Thalia - Inspired by the Greek goddess of comedy, Thalia represents joy, humor, and creativity.

19. Uriel - meaning God is my light in Hebrew, Uriel is the name of an archangel who represents wisdom, enlightenment, and light.

20. Zara - derived from Arabic, Zara means princess or flower. This name represents beauty, grace, and elegance.


Choosing a name for your child is a deeply personal decision. The names listed above are just a few examples of English names with in-depth meanings and significant symbolism. Whether you choose a name inspired by mythology, philosophy, or literature, make sure it reflects the qualities that you wish to instill in your child. Remember, a name is not just a label, it is a powerful tool that can influence a child's identity, personality, and future.

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